Mar 2, 2011

The Constitution Of The Human Spirit

NO, WE ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL! Understand this, we simply can't be, not biologically at least and there lies the whole beauty of it, the moment we stop being afraid of our differences and begin accepting our plurality, the moment our world will become a better place, all of us are here to experience life as individuals therefore trying to make us all equal is an attempt against our very nature.

On the other hand we are indeed all made of the same stuff, call it atoms, stardust, particles or strings, there is one basic element with which we are all drawn, and I strongly believe that there is a binding imperceptible  force linking all of the universe together and thus making us all one, but this is more the matter of the spirit and of the soul than of us human egos sharing this planet and trying to make a living here.

If you hate something, most likely it is because you are afraid of it and unwilling to understand it, most likely that which you hate is somewhere hidden deep inside of you as well, so whenever you feel hate or fear, take a moment to consider why and don't just burst in anger looking to destroy it.

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